понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

frankfort ky 40601

I ran out to the Post Office at lunch, and there was a smallish demonstration going on in Federal Plaza. It was chock-full of Assyrian flags, and it turned out to be a bunch of people protesting...Iapos;m not sure what, exactly, maybe persecution of Assyrians in Iraq, ethnic cleansing of Mosul,etc. Which I can certainly get behind.

But one guy was holding a big banner that said "Assyria = Iraq = Ashur-land. Iraq IS NOT Arabia. Iraq IS NOT Kurdistan."

Now Iapos;m sure that comes as news to all the Kurds and Arabs in Iraq. Boy, do I have absolutely no patience for political arguments that basically consist of "my people were here first, so NYAH NYAH, all the rest of you have to leave." Reality, folks - letapos;s deal with reality, shall we? It can be complex, but Iapos;d like to believe we are all capable of it.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

amazing woman year

I am quite shocked, so please donapos;t mind that I donapos;t give details but...


He came to my house, tried to convince me on quit on the pills, I told him to go to his house, we kissed, we hugged, he told me his life, I was about to give up, he gave me hope, I asked him out and we kissed again.

Everything happened so fast that I canapos;t believe it since itapos;s like a dream.

Iapos;m going to be the best boyfriend for Peter ever, so tomorrow Iapos;ll snatch some biscuits from my Grannyapos;s house for him.

I canapos;t wait to kiss him tomorrow.

ILU Peter.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

dayton load range tire

So I broke my brotherapos;s speakers. Fine, I admit, I plugged them in the wrong socket because I was trying to get the scanner (which can only work on his pc) and apos;cos Iapos;m stupid. I promptly replace them with mine so heapos;d stop bitching and expecting me to miraculously understand whatapos;s wrong and fix them. Iapos;d rather not be disturbed right now so I can continue doing a crappy job with my school project.

As if he tried to replace the cellphones he lost, the PDA he also lost (he was able to replace it by borrowing money from our grandparents behind our parentapos;s back), the PSP he broke out of angst, and the P3000+ he owed me since high school. Itapos;s my fault anyway for trusting him too much.

Dad, just buy him new speakers even though he uses his headset more. You donapos;t have to buy the scanner-printer I needed for my schoolwork. I just use a scanner to scan my crappy drawings most of the time anyway.

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bulgur chili

An Engineerapos;s Guide to Voting (Ginger for President)

On the economy...

"In this day and age of economic uncertainty and the falling US dollar, Ginger believes we need to take steps to stimulate the economy. The best way Ginger knows to stimulate something is to scratch it on the butt. Scratching the economy on the butt would be good for everybody and it would be way less expensive than a seven hundred billion dollar bail-out."

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

catheterization danger

ja de vakantie is voorbij, jammer, ik had nog zoveel meer willen doen. Danique is gisteren ziek geworden. Ze is aan het wisselen en er komen twee tanden door en die drukken tegen haar melk tandjes aan. Ahh het is zo zielig hoe ziek ze er van is. Vandaag zou ze eigenlijk bij haar beste vriendinnetje jenna gaan logeren, maar dat hebben we maar doorgeschoven naar volgende week.

morgenochtend om kwart over acht begint mijn werkdag, richard gaat met kaylan naar het voetbalveld en danique, die zal wel leker op de bank blijven hangen.... Zondag is er een kampeerbeurs in de jaarbeurs dus misschien dat we daar wel even gaan kijken. We moeten nog steeds een caravan hebben dus misschien daar....

nog een paar daagjes en dan is er een maand voorbij. Een maand na het laatste gesprek met de raadsmedewerkster. Toen zei ze dat ze over een maandje contact met ons op zou nemen. Dus nu komen er weer spannende dagen/ weken voor ons aan.

richard gaat nu zijn laatste werkweek in bij Algeco. Na negen jaar trouwe dienst werd het toch een tijd voor wat anders.... Nog een weekje werken, dan een weekje "vakantie" en dan aan de slag bij de nieuwe baas

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